Saturday, August 1, 2009

Archangel Michael - the New Ultraviolet Energy - March 19 2009

translated from French

I am Michael, Regent Prince of the celestial militia. Receive my blessings and protections. I come here to tell you of the most suitable time for the outpouring of my energy, my presence and my radiance on the surface of this planet, in the days that your humanity will soon live. Indeed, my radiation and my power will now come and make great strides on the surface of your Earth.

My radiation is shown by ultra-violet [high frequency invisible] energy. This radiation of my energy will ensure that from tomorrow [March 20 the start of Spring], and will climax the date I have given you [May 2010], your physical body and your subtle structures will be treated to a source linked to the new solar radiation and ultraviolet energy.

New codes for your incarnation, will come into manifestation in your consciousness [and DNA]. The sensation of this radiant energy is such that you must prepare to accept and receive the outpouring of My Spirit. This is now. Do not worry about elementary reactions that are necessarily involved. Be content that you surrender and accept the power of my ultra-violet energy.

The manifestation of your sun will enter a decisive phase, which will prepare all of this solar system, its planets and their inhabitants to live what you are incarnated for on Earth in this lifetime. During this time majestic Angelic assistants, Archangels, and all the Solar Emissaries are preparing your Sun. This must be the same within you, inside you, in your conscience, in your body posture, and in your acceptance and integration of the radiation of this ultra-violet energy. The energy of this radiation will reach levels that have never before been achieved on this planet.

You need to free up time to honor and respect that which will come. This radiation, such as ultra-violet solar energy, will unmask within each cell of your body in your physical body, to prepare the high transformation linked to what you call ascension. The power of this radiation will increase. The power of the elements will begin to return in this event.

A number of climate changes will emerge and become inevitable starting on March 25. As for you, human beings, you should not worry about any of these external events, but should remain aligned and focused on your heart to get the better, and the deeper than may seem possible, power of this radiation energy.

This is for you a blessing, a protection and a way for you to prepare for the awakening of the ascension. You live and you will live moments in the manifestation of Light, but unfortunately also in the darkness, in response to this influx of Light. The dark can do absolutely nothing against you if you move under the influence of my Light, my protection.

Please make a call, consciously, to my radiation and my presence [in prayer]. I answer each human entity that appeals to me [if it is done in sincerity and love], any time, but especially during these trying times. This is a time of utmost importance and a time to prepare for the years of my presence that began a few weeks ago. You will hear more about the coming events and bright manifestations of the darkside's evil actions in the coming days.

This should not disturb you and you must accept this content. Just be careful and take into account the different information that you receive during these days, whether in visual or auditory [sound] in the form of signs, because this information is vital to all of you in your future and for your future.

Respect them, they are related, these phenomena are warnings, views and information, to burst into your field of consciousness with the ultra-violet energy. You must be listening, first in my presence and my radiation, and second in the solar radiation and its ultra-violet light, to transmute into you as much information as possible audibly and visually in your coming days. Watch and pray. Watch and accept the power of this radiation. This is part of your Divine heritage.

It has been announced that you will be moving from a human government to a Divine government. This is inflexible and you will view, in a very short time, indisputable evidence of this. The best way to prepare is, of course, to ensure, to pray and meditate in your inner being to allow the ultra-violet energy to permeate and enter you. Dear human incarnation, I invite you solemnly to respect your inner temple, to be in agreement with the outpouring of this ultra-violet energy, so that it can change what needs to be changed in your physical and psychological bodies.

When you have completed this period in the coming days you can expect nothing will ever be as before for you: your eyes will be entering into the Light, your vision will be safer, and you will be able to establish a conscious contact with the Light, and with the Source [Divinity] and with Unity. This is manifested clearly in the center of your being in what you call your heart. The power of the radiation coming from your head must settle in your chest [heart chakra] so you can return to your unity and what I call your fullness and your uniqueness.

You will find, so unwavering, the fullness of your divine being, your unity and your spiritual deity. This is your legacy, your destiny. This experience of the Incarnation will soon end for those who wish, provided that you have accepted and incorporated my radiation and ultra-violet sunlight. It's your decision. It's your choice. No one may interfere with that, least of all the workings of the darkside to which I have committed myself and all my heavenly militia to fight, and it will have a direct effect on your surroundings, within that which you will see for yourself.

Dear human incarnation, this is the time for the return to the Unity [a union with Divinity]. It is a time to find all of your legacy, your entire divine unity and all of what you are. Nobody can hinder the truth of this revelation. These are simple words that I wanted to announce significantly before the equinox, which arrives tomorrow afternoon [Spring March 20].

I bring you my thanks, my protection so you can live this fundamental step in your way back to the Unity. Be confident that you are loved beyond all your hopes, beyond all your dreams. The truth is unity. The truth makes you free and you just send it out to others. Be at peace over this. If, now, there are questions only about this process [and no other areas] I will, if I can, move a little more to answer your questions.

Question: Does the ultra-violet radiation manifest itself during incarnation, in part by this solar radiation. Should we be protected from it?
Protection against ultra-violet solar radiation and my energy is not linked to external protection of the body. The only protection you will find is to be aligned and be focused on your heart, there is no other protection desirable. Nevertheless, visual phenomena, the solar and atmospheric phenomena will be visible in some parts of the world. This is extremely important, but once again do not linger on these events. Focus on your own internal events that will challenge you to accept and integrate new vibrations and new events within your physical body.

Question: Is it like a light for 6 days before proceeding to a higher stage?
Make sure you experience this period in your inner being. It is important to understand that you are, you will be confronted and experience new energy, new in all respects and again in all senses of the word. You have never in your incarnations, as in this incarnation, experienced this level of ultra-violet energy.

This corresponds to an energy of radiation. You'll get the impression of being compressed, of being contained, but this is only the first step. If you accept this compression, you will live, from March 25, an episode of an extreme expanding of your field of consciousness. You will understand and live what I have called the Unity [with the Light].

Question: What effect will this radiation have on our subtle bodies and our DNA?
It is a deconstruction [restructuring] of your previous archaic operating modes that prevailed in this cycle of mankind. You will actually discover new dimensions, new states of being, new insights and new possibilities with your sensory organs. This is part of the operation.

Question: What will these new sensorial capabilities involve?
Every human being, whatever their level of spiritual evolution and its stage incarnation, breathes and has other common functions. Your bodily functions are the same for all incarnate humanity, whatever the stage of evolution where you stand. These functions will in some way grow. Your perceptions, whether you are connected to your source [Divinity] or not, will affect all of humanity.

Simply, many people will not know how to respond to this new energy impulse, because they will not know and have not experienced the prior unity linked to the March 25 energy. This may induce behavioral changes which are not necessarily in the direction of the Light. However, these events and these changes are common to all mankind. No one human being can simply escape the result, and it will be profoundly different for each person according to his ability to be found during this period of unity.

Question: Apart from the acceptance of which you speak, how do we better prepare for this?
It is essential during this period to limit your nutritional intake [food] and increase your intake of beverages. This is an ample preparation in order not to overload your physical bodies and enable them to track the movement of this ultra-violet energy.

Question: Is exercise compatible with this integration of energy?
Anything that gives you joy and unity is compatible. If this is for you to remain at the bottom of a bed, do so. If this is for you to walk in the elements of nature and especially fields of plant life, do so.

Question: Will this ultra-violet radiation come in waves or is it constant?
It is a wave that will start tomorrow, which is related, as I said in my presence and in the modification of your sun and other planets. This will be constant but this phase of learning begins tomorrow. This time of integration and stabilization will be, obviously, a function of your capacity to remain in the Unity of the Light.

We have no more questions.
Thank you. So beloved, I urge you to disseminate and distribute this information. In the meantime, I bring you a part of this energy, and I tell you it is soon. We share this information with complete transparency.

Comments: Ultra-violet energy is a higher invisible frequency of light that has both beneficial and toxic effects. During Earth changes the ozone layer will be removed so that this energy will be more available to us and will bring about changes in our move to ascension. Those who are not protected spiritually will find it impossible to exist in this new energy.

Wikipedia: Ultraviolet (UV) light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than x-rays, in the range 10 nm to 400 nm, and energies from 3 eV to 124 eV. It is so named because the spectrum consists of electromagnetic waves with frequencies higher than those that humans identify as the color violet. The name means "beyond violet" (from Latin ultra, "beyond"), violet being the color of the shortest wavelengths of visible light. UV light has a shorter wavelength than that of violet light.

UV light is found in sunlight and is emitted by electric arcs and specialized lights such as black lights. As an ionizing radiation it can cause chemical reactions, and causes many substances to glow or fluoresce. Most people are aware of the effects of UV through the painful condition of sunburn, but the UV spectrum has many other effects, both beneficial and damaging, on human health.

NASA: Ultraviolet (UV) light has shorter wavelengths than visible light. Though these waves are invisible to the human eye, some insects, like bumblebees, can see them! Scientists have divided the ultraviolet part of the spectrum into three regions: the near ultraviolet, the far ultraviolet, and the extreme ultraviolet. The three regions are distinguished by how energetic the ultraviolet radiation is, and by the "wavelength" of the ultraviolet light, which is related to energy.

The near ultraviolet, abbreviated NUV, is the light closest to optical or visible light. The extreme ultraviolet, abbreviated EUV, is the ultraviolet light closest to X-rays, and is the most energetic of the three types. The far ultraviolet, abbreviated FUV, lies between the near and extreme ultraviolet regions. It is the least explored of the three regions.

The Extreme Ultraviolet Sun. Our Sun emits light at all the different wavelengths in electromagnetic spectrum, but it is ultraviolet waves that are responsible for causing our sunburns. Though some ultraviolet waves from the Sun penetrate Earth's atmosphere, most of them are blocked from entering by various gases like Ozone. Some days, more ultraviolet waves get through our atmosphere. Scientists have developed a UV index to help people protect themselves from these harmful ultraviolet waves.

How do we "see" using Ultraviolet light? It is good for humans that we are protected from getting too much ultraviolet radiation, but it is bad for scientists! Astronomers have to put ultraviolet telescopes on satellites to measure the ultraviolet light from stars and galaxies - and even closer things like the Sun!

Michael called himself Archangel Michael in his first message on Jan 5. Is he who he claims to be? I keep an open mind on these words. His messages are not new age sugar coated generalities that are usually given by those who have little knowledge of the future but are precise to the point words. Much of what he has said has been confirmed by others, but there are new revelations unspoken till now.

Time will tell.

Rich N

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