Saturday, August 1, 2009

Archangel Michael - the New Divine Government - March 12 2009

translated from French

I am Michael, Ruling Prince of the Celestial Army. I bring you the light and truth of the Unity of the Father and of Love. As I said, and as I say again, my presence in your heavens, just above your dimension where you live, now comes in a period I have described as a deconstruction and especially in a time when your human government (as you know from the history of this phase of your humanity) will leave gradually and be replaced by a government of the Divine order. Those who spoke of government described human authorities, human ego and power, manipulation, control, and Darkness.

The move to a Divine government is and will be accompanied by a number of essential changes in the way men currently understand change, and they must change their behavior relative to each other. The government of man over the last 6000 years is a Shadow secret Government whose goal is power over others. None of you can continue to have the complete elements of the implications and consequences of this form of government though, and it has to change.

As I say and repeat, this government relies on Divine celestial precise mechanics where the [linear] clock is unchangeable. This explains, in a very logical way, the forecast in the days ahead, accompanied by the disappearance of the human powers of government, and of the movement to the new Divine government [Esu (Jesus) said that at a later time he will reign on Earth for a period of 1000 years.].

The human soul has evolved from very ancient times through the experience of incarnation and reincarnations. Each phase of mankind is a development of a number of experiments in the fields of experience well beyond simple understanding and design. It is not possible to simply move from a human government to a Divine government [and this process is quite complex].

The Light of Unity is reflected in orbits, suns, and galaxies, in order to understand a [unified quantum] field experience. The Light you know, the light you see is a reflection of the Light of this Unity. In a very short time, all of this galaxy, all the suns, all the planets in their entirety, will be under the influence of the Light as it has never happened in the history of this galaxy. This succession of events is, I repeat, linked to celestial mechanics, to an astronomical clock. The degree of influence of the Light, of Unity, and the event extends beyond the light that is yours when you move to your heart and your Essence. A date has been announced by myself, and this is the date of your spring [March 21].

It reflects only an initial phenomenon related to the deconstruction necessary to move from a human government to a Divine government . The influence of radiation from the Central sunlight, your central sun of the galaxy and all galaxies will result in an increase in the intensity of the cosmic vibration [energy] that you will receive. This period is a period that can be called in a general term the period of ignition. Those who speak of ignition are not just talking about human beings specifically but also of the entire cosmos that represents the planets and suns. Thus, the true Light, the Light of the unity that comes to you will, of course, be visible in your sky and in your heart.

During this outpouring of energy, and the periods that follow, the only door that will bring you peace within yourself, with others, with the entire world, will be that within you. Do not be bothered with the chaos of this world. These men could not integrate with the authentic Light, in their dark work of deconstruction, so none of this should disturb you. Basic pressure, the pressure of cosmic radiation energy before the arrival of all the galaxies under the influence of the central sun [Alcyone the principal sun of the Pleiades] ultimately must always lead you to more inner reflection for ever greater authenticity, always to more of the Truth. Nothing that is outside of you has the answer or the solution to what is coming.

The greatest incarnated messenger [Esu Jesus?] warned at the time that the solution [to an inner peace] is the heart and the love, and thus the real power should be exerted only on yourself. All outward power is a deviation from the true Light. No external event (also strong in one way or another) should cause you to lose sight of the essential inner spirit. The challenge of this Light and this radiation that many countries have already seen and viewed has multiple aspects.

It is all about phenomena in your own heavenly light and the large luminous phenomena, located beyond your heavens concerning, first, your sun, secondly, the planet Jupiter, and third the planet called Hercobulus [Nibiru]. A number of insiders, many knowledgeable sages have seen, and have related by what comes through external views with basic instruments what you call on Earth, "climate change". The whole purpose of this event is my role of deconstruction and purification. What happens outside is going on too, and of course, within each of your incarnations. The influence of radiated Light energy, the influence of the Light will become increasingly stronger.

There will be no place to find peace unless it is inside yourself. Have confidence in the Light, as the confidence in your power over yourself, the abandonment of all resistance to the pressure of this radiation energy, is crucial to carry out a process that many people call on this planet, the ascension. This ascent is not a process that only you, the human race will experience, but it is for all of creation. Do not worry about the chaos in this world, because they are related to deconstruction, to the elements and purification.

Only your ability to turn your gaze and your conscience to your inner being will ensure your peace and your preparation. My visible manifestation on Earth is illustrated in this very moment by a passing comet [Lulin], visible to the naked eye, that irrefutable sign of the beginning of a number of elements on Earth and your solar system . The most important phenomena, externally speaking, are not of the madness of men, nor their greed, their fears, but it is manifested to change your sources of visible light.

The signs are numerous. You just simply need to watch the events of your Western society to understand that something is up. What is in motion is not only what you see at the level of men. During this final phase, you're not alone, but even more obviously, only you can do the work necessary for your own ascension. We can and we have already helped, through our multiple presences (guardian angels, ethereal beings, human or nonhuman), but we can only assist you and bless our lights in your work, and we can not do it for you. The preparation is, I repeat, an inner preparation.

If you allow the entrance of the energy of Light radiation, if you accept the true light, so that it will transform you and be fruitful, then, at that time, no external events related to your local life can affect the quality of what you will become. However, those who, for whatever reasons, would give importance to external events, as a human reaction to the refusal of the radiation of the vibration energy, whether they are collective or single, they will only be able to move you away from your Unity and your Truth.

You now live and you will live moments that everyone, without exception, fears or hopes for [the Apocalypse]. The pressure of radiated energy, the pressure of authentic Light may result in dreams, in contacts, sometimes in feelings of anger and joy, that will change your mood, change perceptions in your aura field which, undoubtedly, will make you realize that you live and you will experience unique moments in the history of human souls. Keep an eye on the sky, keep an eye on the sun, keep an eye on the phenomena of light but keep mostly all of your vision focused on your inner Source of who you are.

The movement of my expansion through elements of the solar system should be, inside you, a music, an angelic peaceful setting, an external energy that will, in passing inside your being, detach the powers that are not yours, powers that have been established, both by your education, and by your links, as your circumstances of society. These are likely to weigh more compared to the freedom engendered by the radiated energy pressure and the true Light. The choices were given, this is the time to make those choices.

You must now manifest authenticity. Reactions are possible within your inner being, illustrating the role of my presence within your vibration in your aurical areas. Peace is certainly the most important concept. Your ability to return to your inner spirit will become greater as you find peace without purpose (and certainly not related to external conditions, whatever they be) and you will grow, making you happy beings, beings in unity, regardless of the periods of deconstruction you will have to live in your social, emotional, professional and personal lives.

This is a period that began from the beginning of this year and really starts this spring and ends, after successive stages of increasing intensity (occurring preferably during solstices and equinoxes) and will take you to the dawn of a glorious new world again in May of next year. You can only follow or refuse to allow the entrance of the authentic light energy radiation because it will affect in the long and short periods of time, all the foundations of your humanity. Everything that is the domain of power, all that is the realm of bondage and control, everything that is the domain of what has bullied and is bullying your freedom to be light, must stop. [Forget about Obama and his puppet masters as they will soon be gone.]

This [action of battling the darkness] is not your role. Your role is to welcome the radiation of the authentic light. The struggle and the fight is directed solely by the forces of the Archangels of Light and the forces of the angelic fraternity of Light. You do not have to worry about fighting. You only need to integrate into your Essence, your heart, the authentic radiation of light and absolutely nothing else.

The quality of my presence, the vibration of my presence will be your defense in the face of outside adversity. It will, during this period be imperative to find peace in your Heart. Accept this radiation, this true Light into your inner being at whatever the cost, whatever the anger, whatever the transformations. There is no other alternative.

That, beloved children of the Unity [of Light and Love], through general concepts to be amplified as the coming weeks progress, which you must commit to, to allow your Essence, to accept the Peace, to accept the truth, to accept the [angelic divine] power over you and to not dwell on the external chaotic events of any kind.

I will not answer your questions now. I have delegated that to a human entity that you know well and who will be happy to answer your questions (Omram Michael Aivanhov in France). As for me, I bring you my protection, I bring you my radiation, I bring you the heart of the Unity and I tell you it will be soon. We share this information with complete transparency and disclosure.

Comments: This is a time for Spring cleaning, a time when we will experience living in a construction zone. Webbots said last year that our leaders would begin vanishing this year and that there would be a move to a higher dimension. It is interesting that Michael does not mention March 25 but rather Spring, so it may be a gradual movement. AA Michael speaks only about his work during the coming 14 months, so it is necessary to connect the dots to see the whole picture.

He spoke earlier of the Jupiter ignition, and now hints that we may also see Nibiru in our skies at some point. Sheldan Nidle has said that Nibiru is under new leadership and is a part of the Galactic Federation helping with our ascension. He also said that Nibiru will be placed between Mars and Jupiter as part of the reconstruction of the universe. That location was occupied by Maldek, a planet that was blown up by nuclear hydrogen bombs and became the asteroid belt.

Sheldan only has a part of the picture, and that comes mostly from Sirius ETs. We have the benefit of a deeper knowledge of divinity that most ETs do not have because of Esu's visit here 2000 years ago and the biblical culture that we have been raised in. With 2 suns we may well see a record heat wave this summer. With the growing unemployment, homelessness, discontent, financial problems, and discomfort by many we may see violence and even riots, which the government is preparing for.

The Anunnaki made us as slaves by the use of money and the introduction of many languages to separate us and keep us from being united. This time will soon be over. The G20 meeting recently talked of shutting down the Federal Reserve and having a gold based currency. Major banks hold worthless derivatives [stocks, options, futures] of over $200 trillion which could be called for payment at any time. This Friday the US International debts are due, but they have been delayed before and could be again. There has been much talk so far but little action.

Time will tell.

Rich N


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