Thursday, May 7, 2009

Archangel Michael - Ascension is Near - January 22 2009

January 22 2009 - translated from French

Note: The schedule for the start of ascension has been established, and March 25th has been given as the starting date [there may now be changes in this date so parts may be different]. It includes the Jupiter ignition and the assistance of Nibiru which is now present in orbit in cloaked form. We can not see Jupiter because it is shielded behind the Sun and will probably not be visible until later.

Christ Michael has confirmed its ignition while the darkside will continue its silence until it becomes obvious beyond denial. There has been much talk from scientists about our Sun's eventual death, so this will help energize it and extend its life for many millenniums.

Aton said "If we had never attempted to make Jupiter a sun, this solar system would have continued to deteriorate and become eventually a type of black hole of compressed matter that would eventually simply explode into a new creation. We could have an explosion of Jupiter into bits and pieces, an involution that would have produced a black hole that would have sucked the solar system into it over time, or a sun.

They [the dark] can’t cover it forever and many are headed to their underground shelters built for purposes such as this. Apparently as near as we can make out, your new president does not know yet. He will likely be taken to shelter too, or left to the mess; we are not sure. Of course we are still going into stasis, and we have some other ideas to explore since we didn’t have the expected blast that would have convinced people something was terribly wrong in their solar system. We are reconfiguring dates on this a bit, because I still desire for earth’s residents to realize something of the end times is coming.

There was talk from time travelers that Jupiter had not ignited and that this destruction of our universe did occur in our future, so this is our new reality. Archangel Michael said that on March 25th we will begin His work. This is the beginning phase of ascension which Michael called the Apocalypse and will last for about 15 months [until May 2010] with work being completed by Dec 21 2012. Stasis was not mentioned because it is not part of his work.

It was initially planned for Dec 2007 but was delayed because of the possibility of total destruction of our universe at that time, and this process has now become successful so we can be rest assured on this part of the plan. It is part of the construction process of this universe and may also include another planet later to replace the one destroyed by nuclear bombs that became the asteroid belt. This new energy is necessary as part of the ascension process and will mean less darkness to us in the future, and we have now joined other universes with multiple suns.

This is the change we have requested from our Creator and has been in the plans for many millenniums, but it is not a new age gradual change. It is an Apocalypse where the old will give way to a new era of Light and Love, a new higher dimension and density [frequency] and a new Earth. Time will tell.

I am Michael regent prince of the celestial militia. I come to you, human souls, I introduce myself, I salute you. Receive the Light. Each Archangel makes his presence felt in earthly time every twelve months. Year after year this time takes a certain flexibility. But we govern with the energy we possess, in the space and time allotted to us by the Father, to bathe the whole system with our solar vibration of light and Love in the specific mission vested to us.

On your land last year, Archangel Jophiel brought you through the period called the "confrontation" [decision time] at a time when you lived during this phase of your life. Today in this new year and land, for a period which will last 14 to 16 months, I will come and manifest through me to you, above all, the changes that will occur on the surface of this planet. This year is my year, a year of my activities. My year is the year where the new energy elements come in a time I would call warmth, excitement and representation.

For you, this year is not a year of battle but a year of awakening and the final total victory [over darkness] for the glory of the Father. This year, you will experience the absolute light in dark areas to make any decisions where ever you go, depending on your choices that were made in previous years. The Archangel of the past year [Jophiel] has provided a timetable. This timetable is a calendar that matches your Apocalypse and your revolution and your inner revelations.

This is superimposed on a second schedule, a calendar of cosmic origins, and it brings no delays. It is illustrated by the movement of planets, suns and worlds in your sky. In your heavens, you will begin to experience significant changes related to elementary manifestations and especially movement of planets in the heavens. This is different from your normal scientific astronomical calculations.

Your interior calculations will finish before the external calculation of time passes on this planet. Remember that what is human is subject to the vagaries of time, but what is cosmic does not suffer the same uncertainties that you understand, but obeys the celestial movements extremely accurately, extremely divinely chosen, and does not suffer any delays.

Between March 25 of your 2009 and December 21 of your 2012 what needs to be done will be fully completed. I will express myself through basic events more powerful than the Earth has ever seen before during this year. Do not worry too much about the outcome of these events on your Earth, but keep an eye on the sky, because there will be numerous signs that you can identify and see.

In this year, opening on March 25 on this Earth is the period of the Apocalypse, the long-awaited and dreaded event that is already in the process of arriving into your consciousness on this planet Earth. The 3D world which you know and live will irreversibly cease to exist no later than December 21 2012. This is the end you desired, and it has been decreed by the Father.

That date and those dates have been known for a long time. It was not chosen by you human beings by fighting anything or anyone else, but rather it is to find in your interior karma a resolution of your conflicts, because you spent the previous year deciding these choices that you will soon implement. Today these choices are set in stone in your material world and your dimension [and there is no going back]. Any resistance to the establishment of your Light is doomed to failure. Do not go in the direction of resistance but in the sense of acceptance of what is to come.

Do not worry about the resulting level of basic humanity. You should only worry about your own well being in yourself, your home, and in the light to come. It is not destruction but is just light, and light can only destroy what belongs to the darkness. Thus, your social structures, your family, your political environment, and your economic systems must also face this change and this time is now.

There is a need in your schedule to prepare important time slots to live what you have to live that is primarily a domestic experience. The vibration [frequency] level at which the Earth is facing, and therefore you as a human being, has reached levels completely new and never experienced before on the surface of this Earth. This is just the Light, and Light does not support darkness. Light illuminates darkness, Light dissolves darkness. This struggle can also occur within you if your spiritual preparation has not been completely finished.

Whatever the manifestation of this struggle, go inwards to support the Light and establish the Light in you. I repeat: the world as you know, as you live, as you experiment, will not exist later than the date Dec 21 2012 that I gave you. The long-awaited events, described in numerous books, prophesied by many prophets announced, right now, for your science, are here.

The global warming that you live on the surface of the Earth affects all the planets in your solar system. A planet [Nibiru] passing in the sky of the Earth every 3,600 years, but at different distances [from Earth] every 3,600 years, has completed its journey of 26,000 years. You are at the end of a cosmic cycle. You are at the time of the return of the energy from the Father and the Son. Perhaps some of you feel it in your heart, inside their cells.

This moment is a moment of joy. This moment is a moment of light. Whatever the consequences, they are only human consequences related to the refusal of mankind to allow the Light to settle inside themselves. Do not judge those who fight. Do not judge those who leave [to journey to other 3D worlds or higher dimensional worlds] because you do not know where they will go. Nobody knows the way of his neighbor. Be sure to be strengthened in your way and your destiny and what you are. There is no alternative. There are no more delays. The schedule has come to an end. You are in the end times.

You have returned to limited times, and these times will lead you to the threshold of a new humanity and a new race of mankind. You've been asked to move to the other side of the veil from this side of the veil, in this life and other lives, to live the liberation from the illusion of a material world. This illusion of the material world has been ordered by the Lords of Karma [Illuminati] for a long time. The one thing you did not know is that this cycle was recorded in the precession of the equinoxes and the movements of planetary constellations around you.

You and your scientists have often called God "the central point." There is an error of design there on this level. The focus can be summed up in God, but it can not be reduced to a point. What you call a point is actually a black hole. It is a place where everything comes from and where everything must go, from one side to another in a sphere of events and other experiences. The substance is a field experience. The substance is not an end.

The constructions of your environment are perishable and perishing because they are only valid for a time to allow the soul to provide a framework for temporary changes in its evolution, which is unlimited, to return to the Light. I have participated for eons in this solar system and throughout other solar systems, and these moments that prepare the transition are the moments when the light is emerging, where the truth and that which was hidden will be revealed.

I intervene in a preliminary phase to that which will come, to carry out that which will achieve your awareness so that you realize that this turnaround is the ultimate moment before, if you wish, your ascension. During this year you will experience periods of fatigue in your body in living at the same time in this dimension and other higher dimensions. You will experience, in a synchronous manner, a number of events affecting both the conduct of life in this dimension and the conduct of the life of the soul in this dimension.

You will experience within your being the great transformation. I would like to say to you, human souls, do not be afraid, because what you expected, what you feared, what you hoped for is now here. You must make an effort, a significant effort, as this effort must be your most important task, to turn your gaze from the outside chaotic world to an inner world of peace.

What defines your goals in life (work, family, money, pleasures of life as you have known, but also the suffering of this life as you have known) should give way to the fullness your inner life and your new life that will become active in the weeks ahead. From your month of October this year, the fire of Michael will enter your heart. Those who have held their own fire inside, those who have done the necessary work to receive treatment of Michael's energy in the heart, will awaken in you your full dimension of the soul in this higher dimension.

Do not pay attention to the noise and chaos of this world because it has only just begun. Your year will be marked by deadly earthquakes, storms on the Earth as has been never known, by lightning in the sky, and luminous phenomena as never seen in history. Yet this is nothing compared to the Light to come. This is fundamental and necessary. We are with you, we the Archangelic Army. We who have dimensions far more ethereal than yours, we have lowered our vibratory rate closer to you to assist you in your preparation, your ascent and your return to the will and the house of the Father.

You must remove any sensitivity to any loss because losses are of themselves illusions. It is in losing your illusions that you find your inner spark, your deity and your legacy. It can not be otherwise. You asked for choices, you will have them. Assume the choice to say, do, go where you go, whatever is the opposition from the outside world.

Among the oppositions from the outside world are the limitations related to financial problems, emotional problems, professional problems, or any other area which may interfere with the development of your inner light. You should accept no compromise on the establishment and stabilization of your inner light, whatever the cost.

What you allow today in life's sacrifices, abandon it while you have eyes to see, before you ask to relive your mistakes, begging to go back, as there will be no turning back. The path that you will follow is a forced journey, a rhythmic march that will lead you to live and understand your life, your lives, your paths in their entirety. This is a gift from the Father. It occurs every 26,000 years. It is your responsibility to keep and take this chance to go to a future brightness.

Remember that, regardless of what your eyes see, whatever the drama of what is lived out, this is nothing compared to the opening of your heart, the opening of the soul that you will soon live. That is, human souls in incarnation, the solemnity of what I had to say because we do not make announcements related to a later time but only future announcements related to your present time.

Compared to this, and only, I say, compared to this, I will try to answer some of your questions.

Question: What role will Christ play in the ascension of the Earth?
That was written in many books and especially in a book that has not been distorted by those who control religions [unlike many others]. I am talking about the Apocalypse of Saint John [the Biblical book of Revelations]. Christ will return as he left. It will be someone who comes from the sky. Do not be concerned about what Christ will be like in a body of flesh, if it is not in a heavenly body. He will be joined by the divine faithful along with the faithful multitude. However, you're not at that time yet, during this year. You're in the preparations. Christ inside and Christ outside can not and will not appear except on a peaceful Earth, a purified Earth and a higher dimensional Earth later.

Question: What type of light, intervention, can result in burning and tingling in the physical body?
This will be normal with the increase of cosmic radiation that I will send and which is, remember, linked to the approach of this celestial body [Nibiru]. You will feel a very strong inner call to go to the light. This will result in significant bodily heat, you will need to drink more water than usual. There will be tingling phenomena occurring at the upper body, middle body, around the heart, and in your lower back that are associated with my presence, my radiation and my work. You will enter areas of hyper energy during moments before the cessation of normal energy.

Question: How do you recommend we best reserve the hours to live each day?
It is desirable, if you have opportunity, to reserve two time slots : one during the rising sun and the other during the setting sun are times when you should listen to the energy that comes to you. You should integrate the vibrational energy that comes to you and get ready to turn off your outside gaze and move to a contemplation inside the heart. Two time slots of one hour of your time daily are more than sufficient. It will come at a time in the end of this year, and in its last quarter, where you cannot, anyway, do otherwise.

You will also not have much else to do in light of the events to come. I want to clarify that when I ask you to turn your gaze within, during these times, the most important thing is to listen to the energy that permeates you. As you turn your awareness to this energy that you will receive, you will see that it covers you in the same way as the quality and density of the energy that you will receive, and has nothing to do with the one you experienced in your current life.

Question: Is the knowledge of the laws of Enoch good for this period?
Yes. Certainly.

Question: Will travel, at that moment, be dangerous?
The danger is always present on outside areas. Any place can be. A place or a person may be well and live the outpouring of Light and Michael and move to another state within fifteen days. You will have a sign of my presence in your sky. If my presence in your heaven, where you are, should continue beyond 48 hours (whether through essentially luminous phenomena, rainbow phenomena, or phenomena in cloud forms) this will mean that 15 days later, the place where you saw these phenomena will be swept by Michael's Light.

Question: What form is it?
It is all about colorful phenomena, totally unusual phenomena, totally unusual lightning, aurora borealis in these locations, or shapes of extremely special clouds you call waves of clouds as if the clouds were cut by frequencies, or the manifestation of the Archangel's forces or forces of the Light of the Galactic Confederation form called lenticular clouds [cloud UFOs].

If these phenomena are visible at the place where you are, listen to what is being said to your inner being. You should consider measures to protect your interior living areas and prepare to live in the purification of energy that I will pour on the Earth. However, if listening to your inner being, it asks you to leave these areas, then do so.

Question: What are these signs in the sky when they last but a few minutes?
They are not dangerous. They correspond to the sign of my presence but not to the sign of my violent demonstrations.

Question: Does your presence manifest only by the fire?
It manifests itself in everything that is basic. What you call comets, what you call moving objects in your sky are related to my event. The year I came to the surface of your planet was the year 1996 [Comet Hyakutake] during which I expressed my presence by comets visible in your sky, and by extremely precise storms which blew at this time, on the South American continent.

So I manifest by fire, by air, by water and ground. The visual events to be observed during my present visit in my passage to your sky are events related to the displacement of what you call the ether. Ether is to be redistributed on the surface of your Earth. Areas that were supplied with energy are now closed. Areas that were not fed are now prepared for that purpose. [Ether is a foundation of the free energy technology that has been forbidden knowledge till now.]

Question: How do we assist people who come to us?
You'll see. It may already have occurred for some of you (whatever your occupation in this society), so that many people feel the need to communicate, to assemble, to exchange different ideas [like in forums on the Internet], to share in different ways through the sharing of experiences, habitats, times, to discuss the new operating modes of consciousness. There are gatherings that will prepare, communities of groups that are preparing to exploit the more harmonious energy which you will move to. This is in place. It is a movement which will announce (for some time) to the large gatherings of the remaining humanity [the coming events and their meanings].

Question: Does the Emerald Table of Hermes have the same importance as the Book of Enoch?
You could say yes, but the most important thing now is just how you live utilizing your inner energy. There is nothing more important than that. Agree to turn your eyes to your inner spiritual life. The solution, the exit door is not just in books, is not in a form of knowledge or another manner. Only the knowledge of the light is paramount and of utmost importance. Light is energy, Light is Love, Light is invigorating. You must feel the desire to travel beyond your current status, you must feel the desire to live anew, you must feel the desire to transform. Nothing else is important.

Question: Are we able to make a conscious connection with our inner divinity?
If you wish, if you desire, even if it is, I would say, your only wish and your sole desire, you will arrive into this state. For this you need to silence the external desires whatsoever.

Question: Is the orange sky at daybreak a part of the luminous phenomena?
This is one indisputable way. But, as you have noticed, as some of you have already noticed, the shapes of clouds, the forms and colors of your skies will never be the same. Your sky has already transformed. It now remains to transform the Earth.

Question: Is rising acid along the esophagus and stomach manifestations of your fire?
It can be. Any type of firey event or air type inside your body, occurring this year is likely to be related to my work and my presence. Now, in times of fire, what is the element that is going to quench the fire? This is water. In this sense your need for water will become extremely important. There is a redistribution in you and a change at an atomic level of the water that is you. You need to accelerate this cleanup process. How? By increasing and multiplying by two the amount of water you drink per day.

Question: Should we pronounce your name Mikael or Michael ( the "h" is pronounced like an "r" produced in the bottom of throat)?
The vibration of the sound of my name is, of course, a limit of what I am. Now, the atmospheric most conducive vibration regarding my consciousness is the word Michael. [Our names are limited in 3D and are more musical and longer in higher dimensions.]

Question: Are electrical or electronic failures related to your action?
This is likely to be constant in your second half of the year but this may be the case at home, through some electronic circuits.

Question: In the time slots you are talking about, what are the best hours?
The ideal hours would be one hour after sunrise. With regard to the time slot, the second is the hour before sunset.

Question: Will money as we know it remain a medium of exchange?
At first, yes. But do not have delusions, your economic system is already destroyed. For now, what you call a dollar has an exchange value . Shortly it will be only worth the weight of the paper. But this should not worry you too much because there will be little to exchange.
[Money will soon be eliminated so our current financial plans are of no importance in the future.]

Question: Is the second sun the planet that scientists have recently identified by the name of Eris?
No. The second sun is, unfortunately, associated with the nuclear ignition of Jupiter, which itself is triggered for the world to come.

Question: Could you describe more precisely this phenomenon?
It is hardly feasible to explain in words because those words will not show you the procedure. Again the ignition and the nuclearization of Jupiter is related to the awakening forces in your heart. You do not see that. The physical one is secondary, yet dramatic.

Question: Will we be fed by the ethereal?
You will be fed by the etheric forces, those who have developed their etheric circuits, ie to access the conscience of Energy of the 5th Dimension.

Question: What about children?
Do not worry about them or each other. Take care of yourself. This is the condition for the completion of the Light. Any thoughts that you fear as an issue or question in relation to a relative, or in relation to an object, or in relation to possessions, or in relation to connections would only reinforce these issues and separate you from your inner being. The challenge will be to agree to turn your awareness to be inside when you see things that formed the fabric of your lives disappear one after the other. [Don't worry about relatives or friends as they will be provided for and must make their own decisions apart from you.]

Question: If there is a 2nd sun, by the ignition of Jupiter, will it mean that there are no more nights on the Earth?
No. This means you will receive this type of nuclear energy and nothing more [there will only be less darkness at night at times].

Question: Will we be cared for, on an individual or collective level, to live this passage?
Yes, this is the goal, but you must agree to completely turn this gaze inward, to completely turn this gaze onto the light that reaches you, the light that turns you on, the Light that works in you. If your conscience decides to let go and abandon the old patterns of operation, that your past lives at this moment have expired, yes, you will be cared for, but you can be exempt if you hold and attach importance to that which does not exist any more.

Question: Will the family bonds have to disappear or change?
Yes. What you call a couple and what you want to live in the 3rd dimension of humanity, is the scar on your initial injury related to your separation from the Source and from the flame. That is why, since life began, you went in search of another. Of course, informed of the Light of the Father, you understand that this has more meaning because you will find your own new sources. What you call a couple has more reason to exist in the new dimension. [Loneliness will disappear as we join together in one consciousness and one network.]

Question: Will this now be the birth of the new Adam?
If you call the new race / root that should emerge after childbirth, we can say that the new Adam is born into the new dimension at the end of these events, but it is now only in gestation awaiting birth.

Question: Are there already some prototype bodies?
Yes. Many. And many though still insufficient for the number of humanity and souls to incarnate on this Earth.

Question: Is this to join the Adamic race?
No because you will all be those who are ascended into the new Adam. There are no other Masters to follow your Master. Beware of those who propose to follow. A number of persons, a number of movements will seek to ensure that you follow, but you must follow your inner path. However, you will begin to get together in cells and groups. You will prepare rallies and large gatherings, which will occur, however, when the time comes. But you will go there in this energy and you will go there in this search at that time.

Question: Does the awakening involve a physical death or is it a symbolic system?
Both are possible.

We have no more questions. Thank you.

So souls in human incarnation, I bring you peace, I bring you the Light of the Father. Journey inside yourself to the abundance and the inner light. Accept now that I am at your disposal and I say to you very soon. ... there will be an outpouring of energy.

Rich N

Archangel Michael Jan 17 2009

Jan 17 2009 translated from French

I am Michael, Ruling Prince of the celestial militia [Army]. As some among you know already, I will appear to you this year, your year, this terrestrial year, through fire, through the Light and through the battles. You, human entities, do not have to fight this war but you should integrate and assume the choices which you made. No obstacle to the establishment of your inner Light occurs during this year.

The quality of the Light that will reach you in May 2010 will be this quality and this quantity of authentic Light which will enable you to conclude your own ascension and your own transformation. No material element, no emotional element, no social element of your companions must come to block your development and your base of the Light.

That can sometimes be hard, as I said to you at the time of my first appearance this year. Some among you may be confronted with situations of strong conflicts. Remain present in a spirit in which the tensions do not generate fear. When a conflict appears, in you or around you, center on your Light and nothing else.

On many occasions, and very often, you will receive the energy which is mine which will be absorbed into your being, your heart and your head. You must allow this energy, this conscience, to penetrate you because it is of the sword of truth, the sword of justice and the sword which slices the bonds which still link you with this material body and this materiality in which you have lived, tested and suffered.

You will find, progressively in the months to come, your move toward the higher dimension of Light and, for some among you, of those which I would call of the warriors of Light (of which the mission will be to spread this Light towards and against all ) you will be assisted, you will be helped, according to your line of work, according to your abilities, to conclude this work of ascension.

As I said to you, I will appear preferably through the elements, obviously, through fire and in the air. We have a celestial militia, but I need to assist you, I need for your cooperation, I need your body, I need your DNA in order to radiate Michael's energy even more deeply in this material place where you live.

I come to purify your being and this world, I come to awaken you and awaken the dimension of your eternal Light. You should not let yourselves be disturbed by any external event but, nevertheless, you should be informed of future celestial demonstrations because they are predominant in determining the places of my action, the places of my fire and the places of the elemental demonstrations related to my purifying presence.

Keep an eye on the sky (and not on the madness and chaos of man) while being alert and lucid, in your interior being, your interior heart. The stabilization of my energy must be accomplished entirely during this period of a little more than one year in your future. I did not hide from you, and I will not hide from you, that the material events visible with the eyes of humanity will appear disastrous and terrible. But it is nothing that cannot be dealt with using the eye of the Love, the eye of that which purifies and which will be also purified. You are in the ultimate layers of your material life, in the ultimate layers of the experiment of the incarnation.

You must, today, prepare for the ascension of your body (for those who can in any case), your release in one way or another from these contingencies and these material limitations that were made necessary by the experiment wanted by the Master [Creator] of this solar system. You have lived for eternities, in multiple lives to arrive where you are now.

You are on the threshold of the great transformation, you will live it with your eyes, in your flesh, and with your friends, during this year. All that was corrupted, all that was withheld, all that has diverted Light must disappear, in the form of revelation, comprehension and also in the form of destruction of the darkness. I do not come to destroy. The actions are not for the purpose of destruction but for purification and the Light. As I said previously to you, it cannot be done differently in the end of each cycle.

You are in extreme cases of what this Earth and this solar system, in its totality, can endure, support and test. You are in the immediate moments which precede your ascension, during this year which will soon be over. Many beings will leave here to climb to higher realms or to start the experiment over again elsewhere. Do not judge, do not condemn, but be certain that, during this exhibit of the Light and this demonstration of the celestial militia, all that will arrive will be right, necessary and luminous.

You must place the state of your spirit to be of the Light with your whole involvement. You must give birth to this Light within this density of your body and the planetary body. You must be the messengers of my Light and of the Light of the Father. You must also be the messengers of the energy of the Divine Mother in order to assist those of your brothers who seek also the Light and who, nevertheless, cannot support or digest the surge of energies which will come to you. You will indeed be bombarded, for more than three weeks, by a cosmic fire of energy announced for a long time by a number of prophecies and many elements visible on the surface of your Earth.

Keep your eyes on the sky, as the sky will send signs to you, they are multiple signs. Energies also will be multiple, so do not be deluded by the manifestations of the dark who will want to also employ the sky to express their dark actions. Remember that my demonstration is done especially through the elements, so that the forms taken by your sky, by its colors, by its becoming iridescent [lustrous, rainbow like colors], as with its clouds, indicate where that is located, the precise energy of the place which you will have to exist in the four weeks which follow.

You will move away from the place where the luminous phenomena would tend to become permanent in the form of abnormal colors, in the form of abnormal forms and of abnormal colors in your sky, because that is the first intervention of divine justice in this place and is temporary only. Keep an eye on the sky. Your information sources are multiple but the most important thing and most important is your own interior third eye.

Gradually, progressively due to the overflowing of the energy of the celestial militia, you will become aware of what you really are, who you are really in the Light but also in the dark because you are in a world of darkness where the Light must show through and put an end to the darkness. There is a goal for your evolution, there is a direction for your incarnation, there is a direction for your sacrifice. You sacrificed, indeed, as a being of Light, of which you are now to conclude this mission by spiritualizing the material, to make luminous and strong what was the darkness.

The only action you will need is to accept energy because this energy that you receive from my labors and the celestial Army is the most powerful weapon which you will find at your disposal in this universe. Without exaggeration at all, remember that this living body of Light makes you free from any form of cosmic radiation and even the madness of men in what you call "the atomic bomb".

You will be in attendance of the greatest tensions which will start to appear during this year. Those will begin a little after March 21, which is the date of your spring. In the days which will follow, the world will seem to you to become insane. Indeed, many beings cannot handle, literally, the Light which they will receive. Many beings cannot open what you call spiritual chakras, in their spiritual dimension, and nevertheless this energy of pure Light will penetrate them but will start negative reactions in the dark ones.

You do not have to enter into a panic, you do not have to criticize, even less to judge but simply to remain aligned in your interior being and, in particular, in your heart. The surge of energy which you will receive will bring, on the level of your body, malfunctions of the head and brain. That relates more to memory and sleep as well, than of the phenomena related to the five senses. You do not risk absolutely anything if you accept this Light and if this is permitted, by your consciousness, to penetrate the totality of your being.

Sometime during the second part of your year, you will start to directly receive my energy of fire which is on the level of your heart. There too, many human hearts will not be able to support this surge of Love in the heart and will see their vital functions stopping [by death]. They will be transferred, these hearts and souls, elsewhere. The moments that you live are all at the same time majestic, magic and tragic moments.

These are tragedies for those which did not accept the ceaseless warning statements, the ceaseless information which was relayed to you for much of the past centuries on the surface of your planet [" The wheat must be separated from the chaff "]. Many of those moments you have hoped for for a long time, but hope alone does not give you demonstrations of the Light. Include/understand well that the Light must cut through a path inside your body in order to completely activate your channel of Light so that this, in the second part of the year, will radiate the fire of your heart and the fire of Michael.

Drink much water, avoid anger, avoid what can give you sadness, do not seek to fight, do not seek to repress darkness, but do not go either beyond what is desirable using the expression of your interior conscience, your interior emotions and your mental and interior emotional attitudes .

Here is essential information that I wanted to transmit to you. Now, if there are any questions, I will answer them as well.

Question: What do you mean by “beyond what is desirable”?
What is desirable is only what does not put you more in sorrow. If anger needs to be expressed, but if it appears and is translated on the level of your body by a blocking, you are in the error. If you require to express an emotion, one feeling or any idea, if that hurts your body you are in the error. The Light should not be an excuse to work with the dark side.

Question: Could you give precise details on the luminous phenomena in the sky?
With regard to the luminous phenomena, which is essential, it is the persistence of the luminous phenomenon beyond a few days. If the luminous phenomena that you observe only passes quickly, you do not risk anything. If the luminous phenomena that you observe where you live were to then persist more than three days, take the necessary measures. I understand by necessary measures, not necessarily an escape from the place you are at, but prepare to put yourself into an interior conscious state of mental survival.

What is an interior state of survival? It is a state centered on the heart where nothing has importance except the vibration of your heart and, to a lesser extent, of your head. No other energy occurs elsewhere in your body. In general, between one week of your time and fifteen days of your terrestrial time, is the distance which separates the celestial luminous phenomena [in the sky] from the elemental or human phenomena [in your body].

The interior spiritual provision is an attitude of quieting of the heart, nevertheless, if your conscience dictates to you at this time to evacuate the place where you are, then do it without delaying. You will not be warned in another way. The shape of your sky, and thus of the clouds which make up the form of the sky, indicate only the energies of our work. On the other hand, if the colored phenomena exists and persists where you are, at this time there this is a strong signal that something will arrive in connection with my presence.

Question: What are the modifications of DNA?
The modifications of DNA are very largely committed to the human beings who must enter the path of ascension. This transformation is not solely on the level of DNA, it does not relate to only your body but also your metabolism and the intimate operation of your cells. Your cells will prepare to not only communicate directly between themselves inside you but also with other living forms [like animals through telepathy].

We do not have any more questioning, we thank you.

Then, human hearts on this Earth, I propose one moment of meditation to you. Receive an overflowing of energy.

Rich N

Archangel Michael - Separating Wheat from Chaff - January 5 2009

January 5 2009 translated from French

I am Archangel Michael, Ruling Prince of the celestial Army. I come to you to assist all entities of this human world in living this year of revival, the coming years of enLightenment, and especially the times of struggle to come. The wheat must be separated from the chaff. Light high Lights and reveals darkness. Light causes awakening. I am the head of the Armies of Light. I am here to show you, by the Light, everything that has so far escaped you in your 3D packaging and in your development, individually and collectively.

My work and my Light will appear at the entrance of this year 2009 by minor, strong, violent and instantaneous demonstrations through fire [like volcanoes] and, equally, by the air [like hurricanes]. Each Archangel is assigned a particular job in the solar system every 12 years. The year 2009 marked on your calendars is the return of my presence. The year 1996 was the year when for the first time on Earth's incarnations, all the work of angelic energies were begun for the divine Father, blessed be He.

In this year 2009 and until mid-2010 and therefore for more than a year, I will manifest myself to you by signs, by the elements and changes of Light in your physical body, at its DNA level, and in your environment by fire and in the air. I have not intervened with you until now, as it would have could hindered the establishment of your prior choices made in previous years.

I just expose the dark areas. I just awaken the Light. I'm the one that precedes the return of the Son [Esu Sananda] and the Father. I'm the one who comes, with fire and air, to bring to you the power of the soul, the strength of the Spirit of Truth and Light. Man must find unity. Some of you, very few of you unfortunately will find this.

Some will help you in your revolt against the forces of darkness [there will be divine intervention and assistance]. It is no longer a matter of confrontation or decision but of combat and war. Let me illustrate this struggle in the elements, at a collective level. This should allow your inner being to become stabilized in the Light and Truth of the Father. A number of things, a number of factors, many lives, numbers of people, many people will this year, adapt, change and comply with the will of the Light.

I come, as the weapon of the Light, from a work within you, around you and involving the entire planet. I come with all the hierarchies of Light of all the universe of your galactic neighborhood to remove hesitations and obstacles to the rise of humanity in the revelation of his divine Light. I want the planet and the solar system to be free from the bondage of the laws of the dark karma.

I will do what has been announced earlier that I would do. This year is a year of great Light and great suffering [in our transition period of the coming changes]. Light, you tell me, is Joy - Light, the Light is truth, the Light is not suffering. This is fair and accurate, except during times of transition accompanying the great changes in all cycles by existing, past and future events. This moment of transition is a time of extreme battle between internal and external forces to move you to the material and the forces and the pressures of the Light. You can not escape that.

This is the only way I say and I repeat, in a period of transition for you, human souls in the human body, to transcend into the experience of the Incarnation, the experience of separation from the dark and forge in you the strength and the Truth of Light. You will become what you really are in full, in Light and Truth in affirmation of your inner being.

You will find your new birth. You will find your legacy that is the Light and all it entails, at the end of this cycle of pain. It is like a burning fire and will forge a most invulnerable Light [Jophiel called it a time similar to the biblical tribulation] . You will learn, reveal, and expose, through what will awaken you, the invulnerability of the Light. You must demonstrate that. You must show that during the 14 months to come.

The cleansing fire is the master accompanied by air activity. It is your responsibility to plan, to direct your lives according to the imperatives of Light rather than the constraints of this perverted society in which you live. You must gradually move out of this spider web [the evil octopus] of darkness in this 3D dimension and in this condition.

You must remove all your dark karmas, all your habits created by fear. You should allow as the months, weeks approach, more and more reflected Light and truth as you move into the process of becoming galactic beings. There will be no compromise between Light and darkness, between your life in the Light and what was your life in the dark and in fear.

You worry about cultivating this inner fire that I bring to you, this cosmic radiation, this solar radiation and the energy emitted from divine hierarchies that are sent to you. We must show you the Light. We must intervene to move you to the Light. Absolutely nothing else is important. There was no violation of any freedom or free will, either human or divine.

This is, I repeat, the processing of each cycle in all the universe [and not just on Earth]. You are in this period, you are in these moments. It is your responsibility to nurture, to feed, to grow and to beautify the flame of your Light, and for this, the spider web that was once your prison will disappear.

This spider web is represented by what you like and brings you more than materiality, it brings fears over and over again of your servitude towards society. This however may make this servility very pleasant and positive; it is sometimes called compassion, humanity, words that have rubbed off in the torrent of lies in your environment.

Now you will come into discord, but you will be a resistance to the spider web of darkness that will want to embrace you, and this resistance will prevent you from going where you would otherwise go. The only solution is the power of your love. It is the answer, this power, to all the questions you may have. It is the resolution, it is the solution to all the obstacles that you face.

The power of your Light, the power of your radiation determines the intelligence level of your heart. The more you increase your torch Light, the more you will be able to enhance the Light and eliminate the darkness and fear that is in you, around you and in those blocking the Light. A compromise will not be possible. The relationships you make with each other and also with each entrance of the new energy force, will be dominant this year. Remember that the power of the flame reflects the power of your love and your Light.

Only in this power will you find the victory for any resolution or problem you will face, and I mean everything that comes to you. You must grow in confidence in the power of your love. You are beings of Light. You are beings of eternity. Only your form is ephemeral. In you there is an eternal fire, a fire that is inalienable today and will become more and more powerful in your lives in the future. This may require moments of rest, when your body gives the impression of not being able to handle both the Light and the dark spider's web.

But you are much stronger and much more powerful than the greatest of your dreams. Human souls incarnated, you will live through to the end of this separation from darkness. You will experience the truth of what has been forecast for a long time. This is because this is my year and my work, and is the ultimate in this dimension. I will work in the divine ascension, with specific opportunities, and at specific times, depending on the divine timing for the global installation of Light and the rule of Light over the darkness.

In my first visit this year I want to assist you with these few words and these vibrations of Light by the power of your eternal flame. You will no longer be misled, and Light is your best weapon for your peace. Beloved human souls, receive the love, mercy, and tenderness of the spiritual hierarchies, and watch over this year for it is so important to your development.

Be blessed. You are loved. You are protected. I tell you this will be soon. We share this information with complete transparency and a revelation of your future.

My Comments: Life in 3D is a mixture of pain and pleasure, often with more of the former than latter. Aton's statement that "The wheat must be separated from the chaff" is reiterated by AA Michael, as he is among those who will make the decisions for our souls in the future. This time of change will bring a new 5D world and a removal of those who will not be in the ascension process.

The Galactic Federation Adama's message about ascension and Illuminati's collapse was given last year to him by ETs he met with on a starship preparing for our ascension. He was told to say that February 1 would be an important date in our ascension and in the assistance of ETs that he met with then, although it is evident he did not have any understanding of its meaning at the time. I think this Feb 1 date he gave confirms Aton's words of the Jupiter ignition at that time as there is no other reason to use such a date.

When there is a movement to a higher density there has always been a complete removal of all life in the past (like the Biblical flood and Atlantis) and a start over with new life. That has been the only option until now since new age enlightenment has never been used and probably will not be in the future. In 2005 Divinity decided that enough people had chosen to ascend and thus changes were decided.

Divinity has allowed a change in this option with the stasis plan, which is a sort of reverse rapture with the negative leaving and the positive in a cryogenic type of state while changes are made. It is an experiment, with the only option being a complete removal of all life, so although it is not perfect it is better than the alternative.

Archangel Jophiel last year said that it is best to choose to be with those of the Light and to choose your friends and acquaintances wisely, as those not of the Light could destroy you. I keep an open mind on these matters but time will tell soon.

Rich N

Archangel Michael - Integration Of Virtues 2nd Stage - May 2 2009

May 2 2009 translated from French

NDR's comment from France: After carefully reading the following details you should have all the elements to follow this guidance and thus allow us to save precious time in responding to the many questions we receive. Archangel Michael has offered to accompany us and to enable the transformations in relation to 12 "virtues" or " 12 stars of Mary" in 12 stages, one per week. Michael comes each week during a period by an alternating of information and a transmission of energy adapted to the "virtue" integrated that day.

You can participate in this support:

  • Anywhere you are
  • In simple receptivity (no special connection is needed)
  • Extending your arm and legs uncrossed (preferably sitting, the soles of the feet on the ground, or lying down or standing)
  • Participate during the 72 minutes of Michael's meeting from the specified starting time (or at least any 20 minutes at your convenience from among those 72 minutes)
  • The date and (French) time are indicated.
  • Each of AA Michael's meetings is now given weekly, the next being on Saturday, May 9 at 16:30 (French time) [which is the 3rd Stage of 12]
  • [France time is 16:30 or 4:30 PM, NY time is 10:30 AM, Chicago is 9:30 AM, and LA is 7:30 AM]
  • For the record, the previous meeting took place Saturday April 25 (1st stage).
We do our best to ensure that you find the transcript of these meetings on our site within 24 hours after it is given. Soon, therefore, in Spirit ...

I am Michael, Ruling Prince of the Celestial Militia. I come today together with My Divine Assistants and the angels with me to relay the energy of the Central Sun Light [Alcyone], the energy of the Father. First, let me greet you on behalf of all the beings of Light that transmit the ultra-violet radiation. We send all of our gratitude and respect, all our wishes, all our love to encourage you and the many more who will join us, (beyond the hidden Masters that you are) to become the transmitters of Light, the sowers of the Light and the Light workers of the New Earth. So be it.

I come again, especially accompanied by the Lord of Karma [Ascended Master] in charge of your humanity in order to reveal a little more, during this outpouring of ultra-violet energy, and We will continue to disclose a number of lessons from your past and your future and what is now occurring. You are blessed. First, we will together with you anywhere on this planet, host the first part of the outpouring of energy today.

I remind you that this is the second meeting of your Celestial Marriage [Stage 2]. This is your reunion and our reunion with you into the great family, within the unified world and in your external worlds now separated and divided. In this, we welcome you as we invite you to help all your brothers and sisters, all of those on the surface and in the intra-terrestrial realms to accept and live the integration and the ascension of your world and the entire solar system with the Unity. Again, we bless you and we now begin.

Beloved Masters of the genuine Light, well loved Children of the Law of One, Children of the One, the time is now to end your separation. Indeed, most of you have traveled this cycle of mankind in a separated state. This I have explained to you already. But now comes the time for your new birth, the end of your separation and the opening of your Interior Temple to Divinity. This is now.

When I say "now" this is today. At the next outpouring of the radiation of ultra-violet energy which will take place on May 9 you will experience the new birth, the opening of your Interior Temple and the end of your real association with this separated world, and you will become workers of the Light, and above all sowers and reflectors of the Light of the Father. Today I will reveal a number of elements in relation to this third phase linked to the end of your separation, which corresponds to the completion, within your solar plexus [a network of nerves located in the abdomen], of your Unity of Self prior to your return to the Divine Unity.

Self Unity [the end of 3D duality] is the end of your state of separation that should help you in this dense reality, to open your eyes and especially to open your heart to the will of the Unity, to the Father's will and the will of the angelic hierarchy that will accompany you every minute of your life. You will be bathed in each outpouring, each effusion of the radiation of ultra-violet energy more and more, so that you will join Us and We will join you. This is for the greater good of this planet and for all humanity.

The Unity of Self is the rehabilitation of your separation within your personality. This corresponds to the end of your separated personalities, where each of the parties wanted to work for itself without taking into account other parties [selfish ego]. This is an important and essential step to help you in all solemnity, to find your legacy of Unity and Divinity.

As I told you, that virtue is the third star. This star is the third step in opening your Interior Temple. So you will rapidly live during the next 7 days that follow, the beginnings and the rebirth of your preparations for your Godhead. The Celestial Weddings will be unveiled and revealed every day and every minute of your life, more lucid in your humanity in your lower density.

To do this, you should not allow or have contact with the elements of fear that will be prevalent in your environment by humanity as a whole who are afraid of this time to come. However this time is recorded for all eternity. It is both feared and expected. This Unity is a sign of your disassociation with this world and a total acceptance of what I call the spiritual government. Human Governments will disappear or lose their power to the energy and love of the Light. It can not be otherwise.

So, you are now asked, and this is made possible by the return to your Unity of Self, to avoid generating fear or cause doubt, since it supports nothing that is of the Light. You are the Masters of the Light. No darkness can affect your future path of Light. All of us present here, we assure you, give our unwavering support, the protection of our love for the times ahead. The deconstruction of the world will reach its peak between now and the end of your summer [Sept 21]. Do not worry about the deconstruction events as this will rebuild you and reunify you with Divinity.

The second part of this outpouring of the ultra-violet energy today during this time is much longer. During this outpouring we will begin to transfer the ultra-violet from your head, at the higher energy centers to within your heart. I repeat beloved Masters of Light, Children of the Law of One, Sons of the Unity, that the end of your separation and the return to your Unity of Self will then be revealed in your solar plexus [abdomen] to definitely tranquillize what you call your emotional states and separation.

This is the moment when a person relies on the heart in order to work in the Unity and the direction of the Glory of the Light. Unity of Self brings the end of this separation and is the ultimate requirement for the opening of your Interior Temple and your rebirth next week. This is when a person leaves the ego behind in order to work toward the Glory of Light and Unity.

Beloved child of the Law of One, the end of this separation signals that you will acquire a new force that is a surrender to the Light, the abandonment to the will of the Father, the surrender to God. In your surrender to God, no fear can exist, no sorrow can exist, no anger can exist. Only the ineffable joy of reunion with your Unity of Self will strengthen you in the coming days and weeks.

The events of the deconstruction of the world are an obligation by the Divine multitude that are relaying this Light, and we hope that a still larger number of human souls in incarnation will be able to grow in this and accomplish this. You're now at that period of time. We are all here for that. Beloved children of the Light, I ask that you receive this outpouring of energy now into your solar plexus [abdomen].

I am speaking to all of those who have already joined or will join us in the coming weeks, for you are the Bearers of Light, the sowers of the Light. You will find that you are among the family of the universal galactic brotherhood. Now, as you live your days and your nights, you will be bathed and nourished by the Source [Divinity]. You will find, as time progresses, the direction of your destiny, the meaning of your life, your sense of Unity and the meaning of your Godhead. That is on the way and it is now.

On this day was born the third star of Mary which, in your biological terms becomes your fifth strand of DNA. The sixth strand that will emerge next week is the central point and major component of your return to God, but it will be revealed in due time and in a timely manner. What is now required is that you become aligned with your [Divine] Source, to feel as often as possible, this ultra-violet energy within your higher central area and to direct this energy to your chest and to your solar plexus [abdomen].

This return to your Unity of Self [in a removal of the duality of this world] is a moment that I describe as magical, as it will be possible to understand that whatever the hardships of this world, regardless of the suffering imposed by those who refuse the Unity, your ability to stay in Unity, Integrity and Light will be accentuated.

The separation between your [3D] realms and our higher realms will tend to disappear. This you will begin to understand. But by this return to your Self Unity, this communication between realms will be made easier [by the lifting of the veil that currently exists]. Many human beings on the surface of this world will realize that they can more easily communicate with us in one form or another, and can benefit from our influence, our peace, our radiation of energy. This era of the communion, this era of the revelation has now come.

You now enter a period conducive to the establishment of this new connection, this reconnection that can actively prepare you (all of you who already follow us, and the whole of this planet, all forms of life ) to either move to your ascension or to reject it if that is your choice [this window is still open].

This joy, this flowing quality, and this serenity is the key element in your future, your destiny. You will become sowers and transmitters of the Light. Thus, as the deconstruction of this world continues, the roots in your new Unity of Self prior to opening of your Interior Temple will allow those of you who still doubt to join in this galactic and universal brotherhood. We will celebrate in one week the total return of the Spiritual Government. This is accurate. We now continue the outpouring of the ultra-violet energy. [Pause]

Beloved Children of the Unity, as you reveal your Unity of Self, your interior Temple, you must expect some resistance and opposition from the outside. Again, you are asked not to play this game of duality, but rather to strengthen the end of your separation and your return to the Unity, because only the Light that you radiate will be able to illuminate the darkness that appears.

I want to tell you that no emotion, no external restrictions will make you leave your state of Unity and your Interior Temple. These are only limitations related to the opposition to the Light which is linked to a fear of Light. You must understand that when you are asked not to judge you should only strengthen your Light, your Unity, your truth, as your most powerful weapon is there and nowhere else.

You will irretrievably experience a new Spiritual Government. This means that you are given full power over yourself, your self and the Unity of your Interior Temple [no longer slaves to man and his control but totally free]. This is linked to your construction of Light that can manifest itself as a deconstruction of what is not the Light.

But your role, your way, and your future has no interest in that. Day after day, night after night, the radiation of ultra-violet energy within your bodies will activate a new force, a new Light, a new infallibility and a state of being completely new, while yet keeping the current body that will help us Conclaves, entities, Archangels and other Angels print our trademark of Light in this world that will become a world of Light.

Achieving your Unity of Self will make you discover that you have an unalterable, unshakable faith to the fullest. No emotion associated with this separation can, in the short time left, reach and disturb you. We are proud and we are pleased to have you in the Light for the revelation of the Light and for the establishment of Light in this dimension and the new [5th] dimension to come.

You are, all who have joined us and all who will join us in a very short time, a network of Light. This network is called the authentic Brotherhood of Light. It involves a number of adjustments in your lives, both in a unified group of people and in their intentions so that everywhere on Earth there are apparent outbreaks of Light that will lead to a stabilization of that Light.

The revelation of your Unity of Self will make you discover the joy of living within yourself, without opposition, without contradictions and without abnormal behavior. All your lives must strive to harmonize with the Light, its future, its purpose and what you are in truth. As bearers of the Light, sowers and transmitters of the Light, you must announce the sovereign power of the Light not so much through words but rather by behaviors of your Self Unity, which is a result of your radiation, your hope, and your faith expressed in the Light and the future of this Earth.

You will learn, through the revelation of your Self Unity your inner joy, that which does not depend on any external circumstances of your lives but whose origin is genuinely your alignment with the [Divine] Source, and your responsibility to this source, which is Love, Light, the Light of the Father and the Father's will. In accepting this you will discover a peacefulness and confidence that few of you have experienced so far, except in certain moments.

The Bearers of Light that you will become are beings of conviction, beings of humility, and beings of immense magnitude. Never forget the words of Christ, and he spoke: "No person shall enter the kingdom of heaven unless he becomes like a child", and that means abandoning your own will to the Father's will. This is the condition of your happiness and your ecstasy in reunification with the Light, if you wish.

One last thing before you leave to live the end of the outpouring of the ultra-violet energy in stillness during this week: you will prove your Unity of Self, and you will see a number of new events and vibrational energies emerge within your physical bodies and your external surroundings. They belong to the achievement of this Self Unity and the reopening of your Interior Temple.

This should not alarm you, but instead you should rejoice in the certainty of the truth of what has been accomplished and that which remains to be achieved. So I leave you now as you continue in silence in the outpouring of the UV radiation, in order to accommodate this Light and to retransmit it to this whole planet. You are blessed. I grant you my unchangeable protection and the protection of all of the galactic universal brotherhood. Be blessed.

I will return at the end of your outpouring and only at the end to respond to your questions from what I just said. I leave you in silence until the conclusion of the overflowing of energy. [Pause]

Question: Can you explain what you call the Unity of Self?
Self is tied to your perception of what you are. We could call this the ego self, linked to the personality and the true self, linked to the heart, because in a separated world, those who claim through mental ability and perception to arrive at self enlightenment, arrive only at their ego self.

The true spiritual self is linked to the opening of what you call the heart chakra. What I am talking about is the alignment of the ego self and authentic Unity self not only in your heart but in your solar plexus [abdomen]. It is the perception, understanding and integration of the ego self and the authentic spiritual self with your solar plexus in your [3D] world and your separated dimension. This will allow you in a relatively short time to demonstrate the power of the Light, the power of the Word and the power of Truth, in your individual lives.

Question: During your last speech you spoke of the virtues of Love, Attraction, and Abandonment. Where are we today in that progression?
This virtue, linked to the activation of your fifth strand of DNA is a virtue that I called the Unity of Self . This corresponds to your ability to manifest the Divinity within your separated [3D] world. This corresponds on a much larger scale that I called deconstruction to allow the reconstruction of the Light in you. This inherent virtue will be developed and explained in my next speech, if you wish.

Question: What effects can we expect after your interventions are completed?
This will be a period where you will discover that you can operate on the level of an incarnated and integrated personality by expressing the Unity in your life, not just in times of your return within your heart [in meditation] but in all actions of your life. Certain changes will be able to then occur that will eliminate certain emotions which would block or limit the access to this Unity of Self.

Question: What hinders us from developing access to the higher actual realms?
The very fact of not having completed the Unity of Self, the opening of what you call the heart chakra, so that you can have conscious access to other higher dimensions. This is made possible by receiving the Light, by opening the higher heart chakras, and through the transformation by the Light of your solar plexus [abdomen].

Question: How do we best support the transformation of the solar plexus [abdomen]?
You need to give time to focus during times when you feel the ultra-violet energy regardless of specific dates. This energy is manifested in the form of vibration or energy in your head that is to be passed through the heart to your solar plexus.

Question: Does what you call the solar plexus refer only to our emotional universe?
It also includes your physical [3D] world and your separated personality largely related to the creation of the astral world along with your emotional world.

Question: What about the termination of the astral realm globally?
This is almost completed.

Question: When will the individual astral realm be terminated?
This will be done during the period that is allocated during the outpouring of the [immense] ultra-violet energy which starts next week and extends to your early summer [July].

Question: Does this mean that there will be no emotions?
It seems difficult to achieve that as this [3D] dimension still exists. However you will become impervious to your own emotions and the emotions of the outside world.

Question: From your perspective what does it mean to live our Unity in our daily lives?
It means to be able to breathe the will of the Father and of the Unity within each conscious act of your life. This corresponds roughly to experience completely and totally what you called in your past the 10 Commandments. The first of these commandments, "do not kill" does not only relate to one's physical action but also to an act of emotions and thoughts and intentions. From the moment when you judge the act of somebody around you, you share in their killing. You must learn not to judge, not to have control over others, and you must surrender completely to the abandonment of self.

Question: Why meet once a week during these hours?
This fully corresponds to influences, both linked to the global clock and to the availability of different Divine Conclaves, upper realm Angels and Archangels in relation to changes in your world. Thus, I cannot give you the meeting dates after May 9 [as changes are made continually].

Question: Is the solar plexus [abdominal midriff] a type of separation between the 3rd and 4th chakras?
This has been the case so far in the overall evolution of the human being whose oath was forgetting his divinity in order to reach this conclusion that you are living now. In a metaphorical form so far since the initialization of this cycle of more than 50,000 of your Earth years, in surviving this incarnation, you have grown only outwardly [mentally and physically]. From now on and as the days progress, you will hopefully grow more spiritually from within.

Question: When will the destruction of this veil from God be complete?
It will definitely be accomplished, for those who permit it, by the end of June.

Question: What about those who refuse this incarnation?
Remember that Light is cumulative. Paraphrasing the words of Christ, I could say that "the first will be the last and the last will be first." However, there is a timetable. But you must understand that those who have denied incarnation also "have enlightened their souls. The only problem is the attachment with the body which represents the ego self. This should not lead you to fear anything, as it is important, ultimately, that you return to the Light, I would add, in one form or another. Understand that those who leave the body and do not pass through the transition called death or a lapse of memory, will move to a new body in a new higher dimension if they so desire and if that is their wish.

Question: Do you have any recommendations for these people?
It is not for me to provide guidance in relation to this, in general.

Question: Does the phrase that energy is not extended below the solar plexus have a particular meaning?
Yes. The meaning is that the work of ultra-violet is at the solar plexus [the pit of the stomach in the abdomen], at least now, and nowhere else below that area.

Question: Do you have recommendations for your public speech next week?
Each of my meetings are conducted in public. You are not alone. The public will become increasingly more numerous. This is a public spirit and truth. The public as a whole does not influence in any manner the level of the ultra-violet energy [it will proceed whether we approve or not].

We have no more questions. Thank you.
Human souls in incarnation, receive my blessings and all my love and my protection. I will tell you more at the next meeting.
Alcyone is 440 light-years from Earth. It is the brightest star in the Pleiades and the third brightest star in the constellation Taurus. Alcyone is actually a multiple star system. The primary, Alcyone A, is an eclipsing binary, consisting of two giant B stars with a separation of about 0.031 arc-seconds (roughly the distance of Jupiter from the Sun).

My Comments: Ultra-violet light travels reportedly at 186,282 miles per second, and light from the sun takes about 8 minutes to reach us. In our 3D time this UV energy from Alcyone would take 4.5 centuries, but to Divinity there is no time so it could come instantaneously. Michael seems to hint that we will begin to see this new energy in the next week, and that as a result a preview of further actions can not be given at this time because of possible changes in Divine decisions.

The Unity of Self that He mentions is a rejection of the duality of living in both 3D darkness and 5D Light, and this is a movement to a Unity with Divinity. The individual choice of Ascension has apparently been extended to allow more to join in the coming weeks as new energies may awaken some. The phrase "the first will be the last" means that most of what we know and believe is inaccurate and an illusion of our 3D duality. Those who are humble workers will actually become leaders in the future, while our corrupt selfish leaders will become slaves on other 3D worlds. Often what is considered by the masses as outrageous inaccuracies and conspiracies are in fact truth that will be revealed at a later time.

The unemployment rates and foreclosures continue to rise, and there is no sign of any changes in our future. There are many insider reports that have confirmed that the swine Flu was transported in vials from Fort Detrick, Maryland to Mexico City last month where it was later unleashed. The darkside continues its devious operations and Nero Obama continues playing his fiddle while Rome burns.

The stress test of the 19 major banks was originally scheduled for May 4 but has been rescheduled for the evening of May 7, which is ironically the date that Michael gave earlier. The results will probably continue to hide the reality that our banks are bankrupt due to the worthless derivatives that are off the books and number in the trillions of dollars, as these tests are administered by its members who do not wish to reveal the true state of affairs.

AA Michael said "The public will become increasingly more numerous", and if what He says comes to pass, word will spread and interest will grow, since He is the only messenger to give these details. Most channeled work has vague generalities and shows little evidence of a real communication with higher realms. Actions speak louder than words. There has been little visible evidence of movement in a different direction so far, and hopefully that will soon change. Time will tell.

Rich N

Archangel Michael - Our Celestial Marriage with Divinity - April 25,2009

April 25,2009 translated from French

I am Michael, Ruling Prince of the Celestial Militia. I would like, before inaugurating the first transmission of ultraviolet radiation, to bring to those of you present here and to all human minds united in what I would call in a few moments the Celestial Marriages, that you receive the whole gratitude of various spiritual entities, the different entities of Light, the different incarnated entities of the separated worlds of this third dimension.

I should say that I am not alone, in the same manner that you are not alone. Our Divine intervention and my words will be announced during this time. I will take the time now to reveal three areas of completely new information to the human soul that you will become, but also new in your past.

Beloved teachers, these are the biggest revelations that I have given you here in a long time, while living these cycles of this separated humanity, while living the current separation experience. You were all, without exception, beings of pure Light who decided, following an action communicated by the Lords of Karma, and also by certain entities that you call Archangels like me, to advance in a direction following the unheard of sacrifice [of 3D separation], to ascension, to the material transformation in your future.

This [3D separation] lasted for a long time. Here you will now return, in these times, in your incarnation, to what I call the Celestial Marriages [Unions]. These Celestial Marriages will last 12 weeks. During these 12 weeks the majority of your potentialities linked to your past, linked to your [God Creator] Source and linked to what you will become will appear more and more clearly within your own consciousness.

I announced to you at the time of my first meeting this year that for a period of 16 months [till May 2010], announced previously as a deconstruction period, that this deconstruction period is necessary for your reunions with the Light. Understand though that the deconstruction period that begins as early as tonight, will now enter into activity in its entirety on this planet and on the whole of this solar system, and is not a punishment or a reward but is just a return to the Light signaling the end of [3D] separation and the end of the experience of this incarnation.

Now, I ask you to prepare yourself internally for the moments that will follow. During this period of time that is allocated to us We will transform you Carriers of Light into Sowers of Light. You are, in this world, the seeds of eternity in which others will root themselves, to learn and to develop a new life in the new [5th] dimension. Nevertheless, the role of Sower of Light is a role of awakening not only yourself but also the awakening of others, all of the teachers still asleep [ignorant of reality], deluded by the games of the ego and the separation games, not yet having been fully revealed of their potential unity.

The outpouring energy, the ultraviolet effusions that I, as well as the Conclaves, the [angelic] Circles, and the Councils relay, will allow you, during these periods, in this period, and in the later periods, to remove totally the veils of ignorance, the veils of separation and the veils of illusion. The Light comes to you to illuminate, to reveal this to you. Thus, the Source (or the Father, if you prefer) made an oath with you, as you made an oath with Him. You are children of Unity, children of the Law of One and this is that which is now being revealed to you.

My intervention now begins. The transmission of this additional ultraviolet radiation force will last, as I announced, for 72 minutes each week. Within this period of time I shall three times during a relatively short time give you and reveal to you the truth of what you are, what you were and what you will become. This revelation of truth is rendered possible by the action of Grace, by the Communion between your consciousness and our consciousness, by decree of the Source and by the Will of the Light.

In each of My meetings, as well as those of others, we are involved in turning your consciousness towards your inner self in order that you ignore the deconstruction and chaos of this world, as this is the solution, the key to your future. Your soul cannot find itself inside yourself unless you shut off the duality and the external events to allow your consciousness to incarnate.

You are pilgrims of eternity, you are pilgrims of Unity and you are, I repeat, among the very multitude of Masters that sacrificed the memory of your Divinity in order to prove and to realize that it was possible, even when deprived of the Source and Light, to come back to the Light on your own.

Those of you around the world who have decided to join in on this day and more especially at this point in time, will make great strides towards the path of self-realization. In this sense, I call these periods that you will live and the period that you now live Celestial Marriages. These are moments of extreme joy, ultimate joy, and essential joy that no exterior event will tarnish. This force lives in the revelation of your Light. This force lives in the transmission of this Light. Thus the worlds progress.

In the same manner, in an assembly of multiple spiritual beings gathered from our different unified dimensions, We come to greet you, We come to bathe your inner self with Our Divine Source. We come to reestablish your connection to your Unity, to your Divinity and to your mastery of yourself. You are much more than you can imagine or hope for. It must be said, it must be realized, it must be revealed, and understood, that ascension, and that Light are exactly what you must be shown. The illusion, created by your oath of separation, comes to an end irreversably on this very day.

Of course, the not yet revealed Enlightenment on Earth does not over night remove the darkness projected during incarnations of your environment. Whatever the events linked to my Presence within this solar system, whatever the events linked to the irradiations of Light, this ultraviolet radiation, you should keep in mind the ultimate truth of who you are and what you will discover finally in your real higher dimension, in your real Unity, and in your strength as co-creators of this special universe.

Thus, human souls incarnate, I greet you in the grace and the power of your journey. I greet you fellow travelers who have chosen to walk in separation and division, and challenge you to strengthen your inner Light. Today, this outpouring, this radiation of ultraviolet energy, is offered to you to enable your return to your true reality. Whatever the events of your material, personal lives, whatever the joys or the disagreements arising during this deconstruction period, never forget your Divinity, your mastery, your truth and your Unity.

The only truth that you must keep conscious in your spirit, in your conscience, is this: you are children of the Law of One, you are children of the Eternal, you are pure Light. Only the veils linked to your oath of separation, wanted by some as an evolutionary experiment, drove the Earth to this state of division and of separation that you now live and will live more and more externally in the few moments left. Do not lament or weep.

Be content that you are the Light beings that you are. You will become transmitters of Light in revealing this higher dimension in its depth from our Upper Rooms, our Conclaves and our meetings. The Celestial Marriages correspond to celestial and cosmic reunions. That results in the total and irretrievable disappearance of the veils that isolated you in this dimension.

You will rediscover a position that is worthy of your status. Nevertheless, never judge those of you who have chosen to continue to live the experience of their [3D] separation. They are all as evolved and respectable as you. They are of the same Light, the same truth and the same Source. However, certain characteristics of their inner Light can not be revealed to them at the end of this cycle.

You are urged not to judge, not to say whatever condemnation is on your mind, but simply to continue to love, to radiate the Light of which you are the Carriers. This is the absolute and unique condition necessary to rediscover the entirety of what you are, through the effusions of ultra-violet energy, through the rays of Light that we relay from the Abode of Supreme Peace: Shanti nilaya [home of peace in Sanskrit].

Little by little the memory of what you are, during these 12 weeks of Communion and of Marriages, will return to you. The veils of illusion, the veils of the separation will be removed one by one. You will become the Sowers of Light that will plant the seeds for the new Earth and the new Heavens. You should strive to travel that path.

Do not try to interfere in any manner with your brothers who have chosen to turn their back on the Light in a temporary way, because I can assure you they are exactly the same as you but, for reasons of their own, they need to or they want to further reinforce their climbing mastery before their ascension. As Christ said : "Do not judge others".

You need to continue to radiate the Light of these Unions that you will live. You need to set aside 72 minutes of every week for these Marriages. We invite you, with the whole power of our love, to join yourself more and more to this effusion of special Light that comes to you, for you and for all the bodies of life present on Earth's surface and within this entire solar system.

With the confidence and abandonment that you will show in a move towards this invitation of the Light, towards these Celestial Marriages, you will obtain joys and an internal state that no material satisfaction that you now know can equal. The Source of joy corresponds at this point in time to a privileged merger.

The Source of the Light comes to awaken your Source. The role of the Source is to bathe, to irradiate, to nourish and to uplift you. This will become your role, beloved Masters of Light as time progresses. This is the first part of my revelation. We will remain in silence in order to welcome the UV radiation wave that intensifies itself now.

Human souls in incarnation, beloved Masters of Light, I have announced to you that, during this year and a part of your next year, you will pass from a human government to a spiritual government, which means that you will pass from a human leadership to a divinely appointed leadership. The human leadership is linked to the personality, linked to the ego, linked to society, and must give way to higher spiritual powers.

What is the spiritual power? This is the direct influence of the consciousness of the Light in your own conscious Light. It is expressed without using your usual methods. It requires the total elimination of any trace of human power in you whatsoever, and in particular the humanly exercised effort of control on another human being.

You are a being of Light, and no other Light being can impose his will or his desires or his persuasion on you. Only the abandonment to the Light (that is the spiritual strength) must take control and direct your lives. From the moment when you understand, integrate and begin living that, you will notice that the Light grows in you.

What will happen when the Light grows in you? You become beings of joy. You become transmitters of Light. You will see then that the emotions, the signs of the activity of the human ego, gradually diminish and disappear to make way for a state of grace or a state of inner joy independent of your own emotions and your own independent circumstances of life. In short, mastering your control will reveal itself to you.

Mastering control requires abandoning and loosening of control on others. Mastering control will give you the confidence and peace, as you begin joining with us in these Celestial Marriages during the next period of 12 weeks, when you see deconstructions intensify to a level that you cannot now imagine. In that, it is necessary for you to develop trust in our Divine ability, confidence in our contribution, in our relationship and our contacts, because Light can cause no harm, no disharmony among those who accept it.

Of course, during this time you may experience periods that you call in your language: rejection. Do not attach any importance to it. This is your path. This is an essential truth. We always were there, separated from you by the veils of the illusion and by the veils of separation.

These veils will come to an end completely. In other words, the Light, using the assistance of other Light beings that are incarnated human souls, is available at your side to accompany you (by their vibration, their presence, their power, their radiation) to enter fully into your Temple, your security and in the being of Light that you are.

You can, and you have, only to call upon us. When I say "Us", it is both with my presence, the presence and the radiation of all of the body of Melchizedech, all the angels of the Lord and all the energies of the Archangels. Through your request, you will reinforce the Celestial Marriages. Through your request, you enhance mastering your control, you strengthen your surrender to the Light.

Human souls in incarnation, this is the second truth. You are now living on a second level of energy effusion. Human souls in incarnation, beloved Masters of Light, the disappearance of the veils of the illusion and separation will allow you to live your future in consciousness and envision what you will become, in a certain threshold with the awakening of the Light in you, as the illusion of time disappears.

This disappearance of the illusion of time will allow you to understand that the ascension is a transition and not a death, for at the time of the ascension, there is no forgetfulness, but on the contrary a total awakening. Pictures, perceptions, sensations will be revealed to you to awaken your conscience, and will show your movement to become beings of Light, beings of Crystals or Diamonds, according to your dimension prior to your descent in separation.

These visions, these perceptions, these sensations will allow you to let the faith grow in your future of Light, whatever the unpleasant events that your human perceptions, that your human direction, will be given you to see. What you see should be considered, simply and fairly, as events related to the penetration of the Light within the densest layers of humanity and Earth. No force, I repeat, no force in opposition to the Light can defeat the Light. Light is irrevocably the only winner in this illusion and life. The remainder are only projections of fear, of apprehension and of anguish.

While logical, this is understandable and acceptable, at least until you have joined the source of Supreme Peace with your heart. You will understand and you will live (intermittently at first, as in a dream but gradually more and more lucid and tangible and real), your reality and your true dimension of what you are. This will greatly facilitate the stabilization of the Light within your organisms but also the phenomenon of the transition and of ascension.

As you know, this ascension is not immediate, except for a number of human souls, Masters of Light who have realized and who will decide, on a voluntary basis, to ascend without the body. What you call death is their resurrection. This must happen, as you know, between now and your month of June. This is made possible by the power of the elements that I activate and usually reveal on this world and other worlds of the solar system.

Thus, it is not a period of mourning, it is not a period of loss but a period of excessive joy for your brothers and sisters who will finally ascend to their eternity in a sustainable manner. Nevertheless, the majority of you who were made or will become Masters of Light, shall I say, will drink the cup [3D burden] until the end.

This is neither a punishment nor a reward, but we need the sowers of Light that you will become to assist in the ascension of your brothers and sisters, human or not, and to achieve the transformation and the transition of the bodies from all of this solar system. Without you, we can do nothing. This is an absolute truth. Thus, we ask, and we'll continue asking tirelessly that you call on Us to assist you, not so much with requests in human terms of your physical needs, but rather to communicate with Us to strengthen this important period of your Celestial Marriage.

This is now, this begins today, this is not in a year, this is not in ten years, this is not in a generation but now, and I speak in human time and not in spiritual time. Why? Because there is an agreement, by the influx of Light, between your distant spiritual time and the human time.

Human time and spiritual time will meet and merge, for those who wish, for those whose time of awakening and realization has come. The more of you who participate in these weekly Celestial Marriages, the more we get to promote the transition and the ascension to a larger number of souls.

One last time, do not dwell on the coming chaos of this world. The darkside will never win any battle. Only the illusion of time, only the illusion of separation, was able to make you believe that the dark existed [and ruled over you]. Those few on this planet who have dedicated their destiny to the dark have sacrificed [and suffered] more than you. Thus these beings must be neither tried nor convicted but simply loved.

The Celestial Marriages are also moments of the revelation of Love, Unity and Light. You have been loved from the beginning of time, for you are Love. But, alas, a number of human souls let themselves be put to sleep again by the siren songs of pleasure, which has lasted for a long time in this human cycle. Nevertheless, all this, linked to the power and control games, the illusion games, the games by those you call the darkside, will be irreparably dissolved by the power of Love and by the radiance of the abode of Supreme Peace.

What you see are in metaphorical language, the pains of childbirth and childbirth itself. Once childbirth has taken place, you will be able to look at these moments with peace, with serenity, for you will again become what you by oath stopped being, that is in Unity with Divinity. The hour of the Marriages, the hour of reunions is now.

You will have the impression, during the coming period of Celestial Marriages (that is like a period of gestation), the possibility of living in a dynamic natural way both in this [3D] world and also in the future [5D] world, the world of Light where the darkness cannot exist. This apprenticeship of living in two dimensions is also a form of education and a mastery of your new Light, revealed to yourself.

Our next two meetings will be Saturday May 2 at 15:30 [9:30 AM NY time, 8:30 AM Chicago, and 6:30 AM LA] and Saturday May 9 at 16:30 [10:30 AM NY time, 9:30 AM Chicago, and 7:30 AM LA], with the goal of increasingly joining you together with the bearers of Light. I am now taking a few moments again to allow the radiation of ultra-violet energy to enter at a higher octave [frequency]. You must welcome this present effusion of energy and this Light into your heart.

One last point: I told you that in each of my meetings from now on, I will unveil to you a function of one of your new strands of DNA, linked to the twelve virtues of the soul or again to what is called the twelve stars of Mary. The first star (or your third strand of DNA) is linked to the attraction law that you called Love. Allowing this third strand to activate makes it possible to transform the [3D] duality into a new tri-unity.

The second star (or fourth strand of DNA) is linked to the abandonment of 3D and a reception of the Light. This abandonment to the Light is the proof of your faith and of your allegiance to the Source and to the Light of which you have chosen. This agreement by yourself fully corresponds to the period that you now live and, therefore, to the Celestial Marriages.

We will now remain in silence, in regards to those of you present here during moments of the transmission of this ultraviolet radiation. Next, I will present my allegiance and I'll let you get into this state during the time you have left. Here and now, receive all my protection, all the Love of the spiritual beings that work for the emergence of the Light in this world.

We greet you with this effusion of energy. Wherever that you are on Earth, receive My protection and blessing. You are the hope of the world, you are walking in the Truth, you are blessed and I will talk further at our next meeting. Continue to live now in the peaceful silence, in the transmission of the Abode of Supreme Peace.

excerpts from

Patrick Bellringer has provided some work from the Phoenix Journals on the photon belt and Alcyone the Central Sun along with the 12 Pleiades planets. He states "[Earth] Shan arrived at her new position on December 15, 1995. The "biblical prophecy" of our Earth having a new sun and a new moon has been fulfilled. Shan has taken the position of the 4th planet in the solar system of Coeleno, (pronounced see-lee'-no) a sun in the Pleiades Constellation. Coeleno is one of the "Seven Sisters" and has a solar system of 12 planets.

The Photon Belt is a disc-shaped band of Light energy lying at right-angles to [Earth] Shan's plane of orbit. This band of Light circles the Great Central Sun, Alcyone. It originates from and also encircles the Greatest Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy and extends throughout the entire galaxy. Thus, all celestial bodies within the Milky Way Galaxy at some point in their orbits pass through the Photon Belt.

The Photon Belt is a higher dimension with a higher vibratory frequency wherein all is Light and all truth stands revealed. No one will be able to hide from the Light and the truth during that time. That is the realm of pure Light of our CREATOR, and it will be as heaven compared to what we are living now. No evil or any 3rd dimensional illusionary existence is allowed into the Cosmic Realm of 4th dimension or higher dimensions."

Our Pleiadean brothers and sisters are here now and have been circling [Earth] Shan in their starships for many years. You can easily see their ships with the naked eye at night as "stars" flashing the rainbow colors. They can be seen in daylight as vaporous disc-shaped clouds.

My Comments: The Celestial Marriages that AA Michael speaks of are a uniting of our souls with Divinity and an abandonment of our 3D lives as we move into 5D while our DNA is continually being upgraded. Control is the basic aspect of life in 3D, whether in employment or family or social gatherings, and it has led to manipulation and slavery and money that allows us to interfere and judge and control others. We are all equal in Divine Unity and must realize this in every aspect of our lives, even in our unconscious desire for control and in our unbridled ego, and we must learn the humility taught by Christ.

May begins next week so I include several obervations about this time period:
  • Michael said that we will begin to see energy waves of immense magnitude that multiply exponentially. This may be observed by increased volcanic activity, earthquakes, and even tsunamis. The 12 weeks He speaks of are from May through July of this year.
  • During May the ascension of those who will move to higher dimensions (above 5D) that do not require bodies will occur.
  • NASA says Jupiter will be visible in May, and this energy may be part of the coming Earth changes.
Until there is undeniable proof presented by the coming changes that will make people take notice, I feel it is best to wait before discussing this in detail with others, since there is only talk now but little action, and it could lead to skepticism and hinder your work if given now. I recommend only that you make the needed mental preparation by formulating answers to their inevitable questions. My comments inside the Sources that are quoted are placed in [brackets] and is a standard practice.

Whether this message is from AA Michael or some other angelic realm or even another Source is unproven, so it is best to keep an open mind and focus on the message itself, as the content is generally consistent with other accurate work and will only be confirmed by its validity in time. His messages are unique and include specific timetables, and although they sound like their origin is the Source we will soon see if they are accurate. Some ETs have said that our current 3D existence is what is called hell and our new 5D and above union with divinity is indeed Heaven.

Occasionally certain data is lost in translation due to either errors in transcription or later in determining the meaning of the text. Certain events are dependent upon the allowance of the free will of the planets and the sun in our universe and may be altered along with other aspects by Divinity also as events progress. Time will tell.
